Michael Potter

Stud Principal

22 Mar 23

Showcasing our special ladies – White Suffolk Ewes from this year’s AI program.  These well deserving White Suffolk Ewes are set to be pampered, preparing them birthing their lambs in May.

What’s special about these White Suffolk ewes? They have all been scanned with exceptional results – triplets and a set of quads.  A truly outstanding job from our Boree Park Stud team and the GENSTOCK PTY LTD.

White Suffolk Ewes

Here is another mob of White Suffolk ewes from our first AI program, these ewes are due in May and scans reveal 209 are with twins.  These White Suffolk ewes will be split into mobs of 50 and placed into smaller paddocks.  This practice helps to ensure lamb survival and good mothering up.  We can also ensure they get optimal nutrition to help them in raising their multiple lambs.

Success with our AI Program

Another mob of 113 White Suffolk ewes with singles, these will lamb down together.  With only 43 White Suffolk ewes scanning dry, our success rate is 158% lambing possibility.

Michael Potter

Stud Principal

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22 Jan 23

Breeding With Genstock Pty Ltd

Thank you to GENSTOCK PTY LTD for their work assisting our team to maintain our high standard of breed.  Our breeding ewes reach an average of 100% lambing, with high rates of twins and triplets – with their lambs consistently reaching high growth rates.

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06 Feb 23

Boree Park Stud Expands Stock

Rhodes Pastoral has successfully expanded its Boree Park stock with the successful purchase of Western Australia’s oldest White Suffolk stud, Ida Vale stud’s ewe flock.

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